Go Global Award

Go Global Award

By International Trade Council

SaaS Startups-2020

CIO Review India 20 Most Promising
CEO Insights

CEO Insights

By International Trade Council
Industry Wired

Industry Wired

By International Trade Council

A Global Business Productivity SaaS Company

WovVTech is a global leader in driving digital transformation and operational excellence across industries and verticals. Our SaaS productivity solutions have made a significant impact on businesses in over 50 countries and 3000 locations, delivering greater operational efficiency, improved ROI, and enhanced customer experiences.

With our comprehensive product suite, we provide the essential tools and capabilities for businesses to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. We combine technology, strategy, design, and intelligence to address complex business challenges.

WovVTech Products & Platforms

WovvVRA Icon

WovVRA – Revenue Assurance

Additional revenues through accurate Automatic Daily Sales Reports and insights
Business Intelligence Icon

WovVBI – Business Intelligence

Create DIY reports and gather insights

OKEN - Loyalty + Mobile App

Reward your loyal customers and generate guaranteed revenue.

All Industries

We offer WovVTech suite of products which are driving innovation in various industry lanes. It is that fundamental base over which you can build the emirates of your own industry segment. Constellation of novel, cloud-based software products which enable digitization, business-transformation and bring about growth in your industry. State-of-the-art software suite that leverages inventiveness to create efficiency, drive growth, and boost your business empire.
Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas





Chairman’s Corner

Aravind Kothari

We help businesses improve process efficiency and business productivity by digitizing their day-to-day business operations. We first start with customers by engaging with them to understand their unique pain points.

Aravind Kothari

Chairman, WovVTechnologies


Helping India meet its energy needs while minimising the impact on the environment is a crucial challenge. Our environment protection initiatives aim to help curb the dangers of eroding landscapes and convert them into fertile, greener blankets of land.


Touching over 500,000 families through Adani Foundation, CSR arm of Adani Group
Community Empowerment by Adani Foundation

Community Empowerment by Adani Foundation

Touching over 500,000 families through Adani Foundation, CSR arm of Adani Group

Technology Services

Custom and Efficient technology services to customers ranging from startups to enterprises. We combine technology, strategy, design, and intelligence to solve complex business challenges.