Employee Experience Software


If remuneration won’t help overcome remorse at the workplace, then what will? But that is the ground reality: many companies struggle to retain employees, and that has made Employee Experience Management software take center stage in a company’s strategy. What is the employee experience? Forbes, in an article published a couple of years ago, said that EX was going to be the next big thing, and that prophecy has come true. These days, HR managers are looking for appropriate Employee Engagement and Feedback Software to bolster employee morale. If you want to succeed with employee retention, you will have to invest in a tool that works on people’s emotions and not just on efficiency. Empathy is at the core of these tools, and, for example, it uses the term “meet me” for “interview”. 

Why is elevating EX important? 

The employees are not yet overwhelmed with the choices in the job market. They are always ready to leave their current echelon for greener pastures, even if that means parting ways with their current organization. Bigger organizations standing at the brink of human resource management have announced improvements in employee churn rates on account of using the latest employee engagement platform. So why not go for employee experience management for small businesses and keep your employees happy? 

How can we improve the employee experience? 

Do employee journey mapping. 

Creating an employee journey map lets you visualize the different stages through which an employee goes from joining to leaving the company. Employee engagement solutions let you determine various pain points at critical junctures in the employee’s journey that can be sorted out through employee feedback software and appropriate action. 

Better internal communication 

Internal communications should be looked at as a sort of opportunity; they are not meant for just carrying the words around; they can be used for a superior purpose: for creating a community-like setup, for giving employees a common goal, and for creating a robust company culture through the best feedback management software. 

Promote employee wellness. 

Invest in programs that promote psychological, emotional, and spiritual wellness at work. So companies could try to promote employee wellness by investing in fitness activities, paid leaves, paternity leave, workplace gyms, experience management software, and wellness clinics at the office. 

Meet WovVXM

WovVXM is a cloud-based experience management tool from WovVTech. It provides informative insights based on captured data to please stakeholders, elevate loyalty, and anticipate employee needs through feedback and intelligence. It provides metrics like NPS, CSAT, and CES to identify potential problems and solve them through preemptive actions. 

WovVTech’s business productivity solutions 

WovVTech offers a business productivity suite that includes a BI solution, workflow management solution, reconciliation system, lease management solution, revenue assurance solution, audit and inspection management solution, and feedback management software.